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Install macOS Sierra - Upload, Share & Earn Moneyvar WEBROOT = 'translation function./function t(key)l = 'home':'home', 'bannedwordsurls':'banned words / urls', 'adminusers':'admin users', 'bannedips':'banned ips', 'sitesettings':'site settings', 'languages':'languages', 'logout':'logout', 'languagedetails':'Language Details', 'areyousureyouwanttoremovethisipban':'Are you sure you want to remove this IP ban?' , 'areyousureupdateuserstatus':'Are you sure you want to update the status of this user?' , 'view':'view', 'disable':'disable', 'enable':'enable', 'areyousureremovebannedword':'Are you sure you want to remove this banned word?' , 'ipaddressinvalidtryagain':'IP address appears to be invalid, please try again.' , 'ipaddressalreadyblocked':'IP address is already in the blocked list.' , 'errorproblemrecord':'There was a problem inserting/updating the record, please try again later.' , 'bannedwordalreadyinlist':'Banned word is already in the list.'
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, 'languagealreadyinsystem':'Language already in the system.' , 'usernamelengthinvalid':'Username must be between 6-16 characters long.' , 'passwordlengthinvalid':'Password must be between 6-16 characters long.' , 'enterfirstname':'Please enter the firstname.'
, 'enterlastname':'Please enter the lastname.' , 'enteremailaddress':'Please enter the email address.' , 'enteredemailaddressinvalid':'The email address you entered appears to be invalid.' , 'copyright':'Copyright', 'support':'Support', 'adminpanel':'Admin Panel', 'loggedinas':'Logged in as', 'bannedipsintro':'To ban an IP Address or delete any existing ones below', 'bannedipsaddbannedip':'Add banned IP address', 'remove':'remove', 'ipaddress':'IP Address', 'banfrom':'Ban From', 'notes':'Notes', 'addbannedip':'Add Banned IP', 'errorsubmittingform':'There was an error submitting the form, please try again later.'
, 'enteripaddressdetails':'Enter IP Address details', 'bannedtermsintro':'To ban an word within the original url or delete any existing ones below', 'addbannedterm':'Add banned word', 'bannedterm':'Banned Word', 'datebanned':'Date Banned', 'bannotes':'Ban Notes', 'action':'Action', 'enterbannedtermdetails':'Enter Banned Word details', 'dashboardintro':'Use the main navigation above to manage this site. A quick overview of the site can be seen below', 'dashboardgraphlast14daystitle':'New Files (last 14 days)', 'dashboardgraphlast12monthstitle':'New Files (last 12 months)', 'urls':'Urls', 'active':'active', 'disabled':'disabled', 'spam':'spam', 'expired':'expired', 'dashboardtotalactiveurls':'Total active files', 'dashboardtotaldisabledurls':'Total disabled files', 'dashboardtotalvisitstoallurls':'Total downloads to all files', 'itemname':'Item Name', 'value':'Value', 'managelanguagesintro2':'Manage the available content for the selected language. Click on any of the 'Translated Content' cells to edit the value.' , 'managelanguagesintro1':'Select a language to manage. NOTE Once translated, to set the site default language go to the area.' , 'languagekey':'Language Key', 'defaultcontent':'Default Content', 'translatedcontent':'Translated Content', 'nochangesindemomode':'Error Changes to this section can not be made within demo mode.'
Macos Sierra 10.12.1 Direct Download
, 'manageotherlanguages':'Manage other languages', 'noavailablecontent':'There is no available content.'
Download Macos Sierra Dmg File

MacOS sierra 10.12.6 DMG direct download. May 31, 2019 May 10, 2019 by manash. Apple macOS sierra 10.12 is the successor of macOS El Capitan 10.11. It fixes many bugs which were present on macOS El Capitan and also includes many new features as well as new UI changes. The 10.12.6 update is the last update under macOS sierra means it is the last. MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 dmg for mac free download full version. Complete setup MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 offline installer for mac OS with direct link. Description MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 For Mac + Overview. Sierra 10.12.6 is an incredible new existing software package with advanced safety features, it provides protection system integrity from numerous malware threats. MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 software.DMG torrent download,torrent hash is f3ff1c0e77bf36f1c95c21d5df72f609e9a25e19.