Half Life Residual Point
Contents.Overview Despite being labelled as the demo version of the game, Uplink features a brand new chapter not found in the full game. The player takes control of in an alternate timeline. The game begins at the entrance to the, 48 hours after the 'containment failure'.
Point of View is a mod for Half-Life, created by DAVLevels. Description: Point of View (POV) is a new single player Half-Life MOD where you will play as a Alien Slave named Xonxt. You will have new weapons to use, be able to explore new and old areas of Back Mesa and of Xen in a MOD with a story that will allow you to (re)visit areas of Half-Life, Opposing Forces and Azure Sheep but, this.
Half Life Residual Point

Here, the player meets a scientist and a security guard who wish to enter the complex and escape, but they can't open the door until 'all-clear' signal is sent to the. The signal can't be sent from the console, because the bombardment has damaged the cables.The player is given a task to reach the transmitter dome and reconfigure the transmitter manually. There is a high amount of radiation in the dome area, and only the player can survive it because of his protective suit.
The player is trapped in a large room with a at the end of the demo, and can not escape. The can be seen watching from a window and walking away. The screen fades to black as the Gargantua comes closer. A message appears on the screen: 'Current evaluation: uplink completed. Require further data.' Development Contrary to the popular belief, Uplink isn't a chapter that was cut from Half-Life. It features brand new levels, and utilizes some of the cut content from the final game.
It is loosely based on an idea from the cut chapter,. It was created over a couple of week span by and, without any code support. According to, they had two design goals. Install canon pro 100 printer. The first was to introduce new players to the essence of the Half-Life experience. The second was to give current Half-Life players a brand new experience. “By the time we finished Half-Life, we wanted to streamline the development process. The Uplink mission pack tested that out.
Half Life Residual Life
One person built the world, another did all the entity work to create a whole experience; a handful of people who put it together with audio that we had left over. There were a bunch of scenes in Half-Life that we wanted to do and weren't able to pull off. In some cases we already had audio. So Uplink was a separate mission about tuning the antennae to the satellite you launched when it was up there. From there we thought, 'Let's build the next game this way.' ”–Distribution Uplink was originally released as a standalone demo, and was later included in the European Game of the Year release and the compilations containing it as a mod for Half-Life. It is not available on, but it can still be obtained from the internet.
It was ported to, and was released as an add-on on a PlayStation Underground demo disc in the June 2002 issue of the. It can be played by entering a code from the Cheat Codes menu in the Options. The code is: Triangle, Square, Left, Right, Circle, X, Up, Down. This unlocks the Extras menu in the Options. The player can insert the disc from this menu to play the game.Behind the scenes The of the game was included in the demo.
Half Life Residual Point Deleted Maps
The game uses the. Vague Voices plays at the beginning, and later when the player sees Gargantua through a crack in a wall. Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar plays during the surprise attack in the dome. The same premise for the chapter was later reused in in. There is a scene where the Marines use a blow torch to open a sealed door at the dome. This inspired the creation of the class in.In modding.
Uplink Addon seamlessly adds the Uplink levels into the gameflow of Half-Life itself, along with some minor content additions. A third-party remake of Uplink for called was released on December 17, 2012. It was built using assets from the mod, itself a third-party remake of Half-Life.Gallery.