Two Monitors Different Resolutions
Ever wonder, while using dual monitor setup, with 2 different resolution/aspect ration, why this get misaligned, or it is hard to precisely click where you aim?I have recently replaced one monitor from my 2-monitor setup.I've noticed some weird behaviour inside max.Here's what I've got. My primary is a regular 1080p monitor on the right, but my second on the left went from 1080p to 1440p.My issue now is I have trouble with some drop-down menus inside max.Suppose I want to create an object, I access the drop-down menu under the 'geometry' tabThis is how is should be, no problem.I get the same normal behaviour when I drag MAX to the 1400p. (although the interface seems zoomed in a bit (text is about the same size, where it should smaller, or have more resolution)It all breaks when I use both monitors.I pop up the Scene Explorer and drop it on another monitor (MAX in 1440p and popup in 1080p). Now max is all mixed up.Now the drop-down is way off. Notice as well the difference in scale.Same for the contextual menu.
In this example, I right-clicked an item on the left list, and the quadrant showed up to the right.I seems that all this is windows fault. Win10 has a feature that allows for compensating the difference in font size between displays. It was set at 125% by default.Resetting this to 100% on the 1440p fixes all issues, plus you get high-resolution back!Even chrome works better now.I took me some time to figure this one out. Hope it helps someoneHere is the result.
Notice on the left monitor the menus and bottom icons get smaller.BeforeAfter. Hello and welcome to the community,This is a great post.
Re: two monitors, different resolutions with Inspiron 8600 (nvidia 5650 inside) possible?? Thanks, but I didn't manage to have a different character size 144 dpi - 96 dpi for the different screens. I adjust the character size in the window advanced properties of diplay adapter. Dual Monitors, Monitor 2 'Blurry' Incorrect Resolution Hello, I have read several different threads all over the internet regarding a resolution problem in Windows 7 that has to do with the resolution, refresh rate, etc. I have tried to force a 'custom' resolution using nVidia's Control panel, but it doesn't seem to do anything to fix the.
I really love that you posted this to help others and that you are displaying such a great community minded nature. To really make this perfect in terms of helping others, a solution should be marked. Since the first post can't be it's own solution, if you were to post one more time in this thread with all the same information, you (or I) could then mark that post as the solution. This is good because some people search only 'solved' topics and then your helpful post would be a part of that.
Would you mind posting it all again 1 more time so you can mark the solution and make sure this lives on? Thanks very much!Best Regards.
RECOMMENDED:If you’re reading this, chances are that you have connected an external/secondary monitor/screen/display to your Windows 10 PC and now wondering how to change the screen resolution of the external/secondary monitor/display.The process of is quite different from earlier versions. But like in previous versions of Windows, you can easily change the screen resolution in a few mouse clicks.Generally speaking, when you connect an external monitor or screen to your Windows 10 PC, Windows 10 automatically sets the recommend screen resolution for the external display. However, at times, Windows 10 might not set the recommended screen resolution or might use a recommended screen resolution that you are not comfortable with. Set different resolutions for multiple monitors in Windows 10Tip: Learn how to. Complete the given below directions to set different resolutions for multiple monitors in Windows 10.Step 1: Right-click on the empty area of desktop and then click Display settings to open display settings page in Settings app.Step 2: Click Advanced display settings link located at the bottom of the page to open Advanced display settings page where you can change the screen resolution.Step 3: As you can see in the picture below, the Advanced display settings page displays all connected displays. In this case, I have connected an external monitor to my laptop. Hence, there are two displays (1 & 2).And if the Advanced display settings page is showing ½ on the same screen image as shown in the picture below, you need to select Extend these displays option from Multiple displays drop-down box to be able to set a custom or different resolution for your secondary display/monitor.Step 4: In order to change the resolution of a monitor/screen/display, click on the monitor/screen/display image on the settings page (refer to the picture below) to select the display.
Clone Two Monitors With Different Resolutions
Tuneup media crack version. Note that it’s important to select a display first.