Simcity 4 City Design
Much of this information was figured out by various members of the. This guide was originally compiled by Dee Finney, and I've updated it as new information has arisen. It lists how to properly space roads so that you can build efficiently, without a lot of wasted space.For proper spacing, you will use DIRT ROADS as a 'pencil line', and draw them to the specified length (dollar amount) as noted below. You can upgrade those roads later to medium or high density when you're ready to increase your density. You do not want to use high density roads or avenues for this. It's too expensive and the dollar amounts will be much different.

Simcity 4 City Design Center
Flat Terrain. How to find the “center” point in the City:(Square roads layout)Draw dirt road from corner of map costing $2015 - $2016. Then draw a road toward the center of map costing the same ($2015 - $2016). Then draw a road costing $440 - $441 from the center point if you want to make back to back HD streets. Draw slightly longer roads ($466 - $486) if you will be using avenues.(Circle roads layout)Draw dirt road from corner of map costing $2015 - $2016. Then draw a road toward the center of map costing the same ($2015 - $2016). (same as above) Then draw a road from the center point of the city costing $300 minimum so that the circular road will accommodate 3 HD buildings.Switch to circle road tool and place your mouse at the end of the $300 road.
Drag your mouse back to the center point of the map to create your first circle. Switch back to straight road tool, and draw an extension road off of the $300 road costing $462. Rob PI am a little confused about the numbers. For instance, a single dirt road in a HD block costs $244, however a single road for 2 HD buildings is $436 and not $488. Also, I am not sure if this is a bug or what. But occasionally I will get one block that is at least $250x$250 and the building will report not enough room to upgrade density.
Jun 7, 2009 - Crowdsourcing Bus Stop Design. I really think the author should go buy Sim City 4 Deluxe, download NAM and some extra stations and the.
Simcity 4 Tips For Skyscrapers
But, it looks like it should be fine, for instance I can plop medium wealth single line tree parks on all edges of the block. So, I am not sure what's up with that either. Dan Stenn's video which you can watch above goes into great detail on how he calculated the numbers. Jump ahead to 2:30 to see an illustration of the widths of back to back HD buildings. I've had the same thing occur where you think you have enough room, but it doesn't. It's usually because there's some slope to the ground which increases the space needed. After things start to develop, you can try plopping a high school as a check whether a high density building will fit.
Simcity 4 Mods
On more than one occasion, I've had to go back and adjust because I messed up on my spacing or it has a little too much slope to it.