Skyrim Sleep With Follower
Unfortunately, on PS4, mods are more limited—Bethesda says that PS4 mods will not be able to use “external assets,” which is a bummer. Some of the most famous, classic Skyrim mods, like the one that replaces Dragons with Thomas the Tank Engine, use all sorts of outside assets.
I hate doing a 'versus' in a mod thread but here goes (just going through your list):1. Werewolf / Vampire transformation can be done in their respective mods (Belua/Better Vampires/Moonlight Tales, etc) so it doesn't need to be in a follower mod.2.
EFF has a fully featured MCM menu to control this and many other settings. One of the things I dislike about AFT is cluttered dialogue menus.3.
Same as #2 above.4/5. To me this just adds unnecessary script loading.6.
EFF is unmatched in compatibility - at least I haven't found any followers to be non-compatible.7. I use Follower Trap Safety with also covers summoned creatures. As for trap avoidance, I have serious doubts due to Skyrims engine.10. Feature bloat for me. If that is your thing there are tons of mods out there for that and it wouldn't be for daily use just screen posting. Frostfall already has all the campsite functionality I would require.11. I believe this is also the case with EFF.As you stated, the biggest plus is the menu system and SkyUI integration which allows you to monitor each followers health/stamina/magicka and outfit management and keeps the dialogue clean and usable.
No, I really appreciate the insight. I did not use the beta version before so I didn't have the MCM goodies.
I'm about to start a second playthrough, maybe I'll give EFF a go again. I don't think the 'versus' is so much a negative in this case as it is a, 'What are you looking for in a follower mod?' From what you're saying, AFT combines a lot of functionality at the expense of clean menus; and EFF offers less function bloat if you already have mods to cover some of those bases.
Skyrim Npc Sleep Schedule
(I use Frostfall too, so I also don't need the camping function from AFT, for instance, but I think it would be a plus for some people).@Statmonster: My impression is just the opposite (at least from a companions point of view). Many custom ones (Hoth comes to mind as one I tried recently) didn't require a patch for AFT but did for EFF. I dunno, things could have changed with the beta. So despite not explicitly stating so, EFF is compatible with Moonlight Tales? AFT is the only one specifically mentioned as compatible is why I ask (and because of in the forum thread for Moonlight Tales), but I see both are included on the Skyrim Revisited page so I assume they must be.I dunno why I'm obsessing over follower mods anyway, I usually just end up leaving them at my camp because they get in the way LOL.
But still, I wanna do the werewolf thing this time around and running with a mini-pack sounds fun. Are there any other mods that remove combat recovery or increase the time a fallen follower will take before they get back up? I don't like the fact that my fallen companions will extremely quickly get back up and attack my foe in the back, it removes a lot of the fun of combat. I sometimes get to the point where I just stall my foes until Lydia stands back up with her two-handed weapon and power attacks an enemy in the back, rinse and repeat.I really enjoy the slow pace of one-on-one combat, but with multiple enemies I'd prefer to have a buddy, so the AFT 'no combat recovery' seemed perfect, but I'm worried I'm adding a lot of scripts into my game that I'm not even using. Any suggestions? Are there any other mods that remove combat recovery or increase the time a fallen follower will take before they get back up? I don't like the fact that my fallen companions will extremely quickly get back up and attack my foe in the back, it removes a lot of the fun of combat.

I sometimes get to the point where I just stall my foes until Lydia stands back up with her two-handed weapon and power attacks an enemy in the back, rinse and repeat.I really enjoy the slow pace of one-on-one combat, but with multiple enemies I'd prefer to have a buddy, so the AFT 'no combat recovery' seemed perfect, but I'm worried I'm adding a lot of scripts into my game that I'm not even using. Any suggestions?I don't know too much about that. However, although there IS more menu stuff to scroll through and there are potentially a lot more scripts to be run with AFT, you don't have to use those features. If that's important to you, I don't see a reason to avoid AFT personally. Used both (in fact EFF was the first I used for months, before passing to AFT).In general AFT work better than EFF into micromanaging followers and their AI bugs, there is no comparison in this side, Dheuster has done a lot of work in his mod for more than two years, while EFF author was dispersed between several intefaces mods.However EFF can be considered as a light skse follower mod, vowed to more interface (which do not implies he is faster, quite the opposite in AFT you can controle most of your followers AI with a power which can be shotkeyed).Edited by gamingsrc, 16 May 2014 - 08:57 PM.