Cara Menambah Stadion Di Pesedit Selector
Untuk PES 2014, cara install-nya cukup mudah, tinggal klik 2x dan klik tombol 'Next' sampai 'Finish' maka PESEdit Patch 2014 sudah selesai di install. Tapi cara ini hanya digunakan saimpai versi 1.3 ke bawah, pada versi 2.0, cara install nya agak sedikit berbeda, selain ada file installer yang berekstensi.exe, ada juga file tambahan yang harus. Sep 13, 2014. Scoreboards, stadium, startscreen, tutorial, tools, android, apk, design, photoshop, coreldraw, kaos. Blog, install, cara, download, informasi, aplikasi, app, game action, game rpg, game adventure. PES 2013 Update OF for PESEdit 6.0 -. PES 2015 Selector Tool V1.1 (Fix) By Ginda01. Naagin 3 2 march 2019 bepanah. Papan Skor dan stadion switch pemilih ( Download stadion di sini) blur dihapus Sepatu Tetap + aksesori untuk pemain banyak (Premier League, Ligue 1, Eredivisie, Serie A, Liga BBVA, Bundesliga dan banyak lagi ) Memasang 1 - Hapus folder ' kitserver ' dari direktori 2013main PES dan juga menghapus start menu folder ' PESEdit 2013 Patch'.
Install Stadiums Pack for PTE Patch 3.0 (or 3.1)After downloading the PES 2017 Stadiums Pack for PTE Patch, you just need to follow my YouTube Tutorial video below. The video will guide you step by step to install this PES 2017 Stadiums Pack for PTE Patch correctly and avoid any errors.Also the video will show you how to link correctly clubs to their home stadium. And i will show you in the end of the video some examples of new PES 2017 Stadiums Pack for PTE Patch. So Watch carefully my YouTube tutorial video below.

Cara Menambah Stadion Di Pesedit Selector Pc

Also follow all steps carefully until the end of the video:Some teams (like Chelsea and Liverpool) can’t be linked to correct home stadium. This method will work for PTE Patch 3.0 and also the PTE Patch 3.1 as they have same Data Pack 2. I didn’t test this method on previous PTE Patch 2.0, but some fans said it works for any PTE Patch (1 or 2 or 3). So if you want try this PES 2017 Stadiums Pack for PTE Patch 2 or 1 and tell me in comments if it works.►Credits:Del Choc, Donny Avia, Estarlen Silva, Black Bull Ecuador (Tricolor Pes Ecuador), Joaoakd (AFA Evo ), Gabriel Silva (AFA Evo ), TXAK, Zikint, SXSXSX, tizziano vangheljs, Pantel G7, Yucell 11, Irvanlana, Ipunk, Shrief Elafify, Fruits, Konami, PTE team, and all stadium makers and modders of PES.–––.
Salam jempol!! Selamat datang di blog yang sederhana ini gan!!
Pes 2013 Stadium Pack 2018

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